February 10, 2016
Have You Ever Taken Antibiotics? A Lesser-Known Side-Effect
Have you ever used antibiotics? If you’re alive today in 2016, then you more than likely have used antibiotics at some point. Most people don’t realize all of the symptoms that can occur because of some of the unintended consequences of antibiotics. Here are a few things that antibiotics do that you may or may not have known:
- The obvious: They kill bacteria that are harmful and causes you to be sick. How blessed are we that we get to live in a time period where we can go to a doctor who can give us a way to kill of harmful little bacteria that are trying to kill us? Wow.
- The semi-obvious: Antibiotics kill off bacteria that are good and helpful in our everyday lives. One example of a good bacteria in the body is acidophilus. This is thought to be helpful because it produces Vitamin K and lactase. It is used in probiotics to help with intestinal health and overall feeling good. Antibiotics do what their name says: kill bacteria. Both good and bad.
- The not so obvious: Since antibiotics lead to killing off bacteria, that leaves space for other things to grow. Most of the time it is worth it since you killed off whatever sickness what trying to grow, but that still can be problematic. Often what begins to grow, since good bacteria isn’t there to stop it, is Candida Yeast.