November 30, 2017
Healthy & Balanced Weight Loss Management
Okay, you’ve lost the weight… now what? One of the scariest parts of taking on a weight loss protocol is the fact that once you finish, you have to go back to normal life, and it seems like normal hasn’t been working as far as keeping a healthy body weight since it got you to where you need to lose weight in the first place. Weight loss maintenance is dependent on quite a few factors that may be a little more all-encompassing than a person would have guessed. First off, studies find have found that individuals who possess a lower level of dietary disinhibition, or a lower amount of periodic losses of control in their eating, are better able to maintain their weight loss. This finding asks the question, then, of how does a person remain in control of their eating? The same study states, “these findings point to the importance of both emotional regulation skills and control over eating in long-term successful weight loss.1”
What are ways that you practice emotional regulation? Are you even aware of stressors in your life? An example of emotional regulation would be doing something you enjoy to cheer yourself up or making a cup of coffee to take a breather when you feel yourself becoming anxious. Similarly, another example would be engaging in an argument on social media which might make you agitated. Emotions are real. Definitely. We all have experiences and feel different ways because of them, but you have the ability to make decisions that will determine how you handle life… and eating. So, take a few moments to recognize things that you can do or turn to when stress occurs to remind you of who you are and that you are in control of your actions. You have the ability to make great decisions when it comes to the foods that you eat, but it will be quite a bit easier if you have a few actions steps already figured out to help keep your brain in control of your emotions. Another significant factor in weight loss maintenance is consistency in dieting. There is the idea out there that, “I can eat healthy during the week so that I can party hard this weekend!” or “I’ll eat well at the beginning of December. That way I can eat whatever I want at all of the Christmas parties.” That sounds like a solid plan, but studies show that those who practice consistency all of the way through the week and year actually are 1.5 times more likely to maintain their weight loss success1. So yes, eat a Christmas cookie at this year’s party, but eat just one or two. And then hang by the meat and cheese platter to get those healthy fats in.
The most helpful tool in maintaining consistency in your eating is Skinny Up!® Yeast Redux because it works to eliminate sugar cravings by killing candida yeast overgrowth in the body. It just makes sense. If you’re not craving all of the cookies, you probably won’t eat them. It is so much more difficult to control what you eat, especially in emotional situations, so to not have cravings is so helpful! Unfortunately, it is the reality that life happens and sometimes you will gain a few pounds back. It has been found that individuals with the least amount of weight regain are the ones who are then able to get those pounds back off. In other words, it is more difficult to lose the weight again once you’ve put it back on, and those that head all the way back to their original weight will have a much more difficult time getting back. This means, that you should weigh every day! Check out this blog for some extra encouragement on using the scale every day. This is where Skinny Up!® Maintain comes in handy. Skinny Up!® Maintain helps to keep your appetite locked in so that your body doesn’t try to revert back to unnecessary patterns and habits. Skinny Up!® Maintain can be used as a daily product to help you live in the reality of your achieved goal. These are just a few strategies when it comes to weight loss maintenance. The main thing you should know is that you are in control of what you eat. You are in control of your actions. Be empowered and know that you got this.
1Wing RR, Phelan S. Long-term weight loss maintenance, Am J Clin Nutr , 2005, vol. 82 1 Suppl(pg. 222S-225S) RV