April 12, 2018
The Correct Starting Place
One of the biggest determining factors between a successful weight loss protocol and one that is not successful is simply starting with the right frame of mind. Consider this: “Bob” runs into “Kevin” one day and Kevin announces that he is jazzed about beginning a weight loss diet plan a week from now and would really love to have someone do it with him. He asks Bob to join him in this endeavor. Bob is at least 50 pounds past a comfortable weight, and Kevin can remember Bob’s college body from back in the day when they were both in shape. But life has taken its toll, and their doctors keep telling them that they need to lose weight before their health issues get more serious. The doc’s warnings don’t scare Bob, but he is a good friend and absolutely agrees to join Kevin. You bet! The next week, Kevin is excited about the protocol he is about to embark on. The doctor’s warnings, his wife’s hints, his own aches and pains, and that distant memory of the body he used to have…. He is ready! He has cleaned out all his favorite junk food from his house and has purchased the “clean” foods he’ll be using in his protocol. He has gotten his Skinny Up!® package and has read through all the information. These weight loss drops are all-natural, free of hormones, and doctor-approved. He has known for a year that he needs to change his habits. He needs to take off all that extra weight and clean out the years of toxicity stored in his body fat. He is so ready to look better and feel better and be able to live life at a whole new level. He knows the Skinny Up!® protocol and understands what will be happening in his body with these safe and natural weight loss supplements.* He is optimistic and determined to go through the entire process, finally giving himself and his health some long-awaited attention. He can already visualize himself six weeks from now, with 35 pounds off. ** “Bring it!” At the same time, Bob has forgotten that he agreed to do this with Kevin. Kevin shows up at Bob’s house with Bob’s Skinny Up!® package. Bob asks what he owes and Kevin, pumped for his friend, says “Nothing. This is my gift to you. This is going to be awesome for both of us.” Kevin heads home. Bob heads to his favorite fast food restaurant. The next week, Kevin and Bob meet up. Kevin is down 10 pounds. Bob took some of the products when he thought of it and lost a pound; he doesn’t think the products work. Kevin visits a bit with Bob and realizes that Bob did not read the protocol. When Kevin starts describing the process, Bob is sure it sounds too difficult and it won’t work anyway. Like most weight loss products out there, it’s probably not healthy. And is it even worth it? Kevin proceeds with the Skinny Up!® protocol and Bob proceeds with his lifestyle.
A month later, Kevin has lost 30 pounds and Bob has gained another five.** All of Kevin’s health “markers” have improved. Blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and so on. His charts provide even better news, and he feels fantastic! Thanks to an effective candida cleanse, he has improved clarity and focus. He is now jogging every day without any joint pain, and his wife is all about it. Embarking on the Skinny Up!® journey, sampling self-discipline, and feasting on the life-changing results it can bring have given Kevin new confidence and daily joy. Bob is on his way to the ER. Maybe not literally, or not yet, but he is taking the not-too-slow journey there. Let’s hope that Bob will take a long look at his buddy Kevin and reconsider his own options. Let’s hope he gets a new frame of mind soon. Everybody should live in a state of health and vitality. Each one of us is worth that. We just have to decide that for ourselves. Skinny Up!® is proud to provide the most modern weight loss products that are designed to provide optimal health and fantastic results. Contact us today learn more or browse our shop to begin!

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