The Causes of Weight Gain – Yeast Overgrowth
A healthy digestive system allows your body to get the nutrients it needs to thrive. In fact, when you have a healthy digestive system, your other organs and systems have their best chance to do their job and keep you energized, stable, and healthy. Conversely, when your digestive system starts to fail, your liver and kidneys stop performing at their best, your body loses its ability to break down fat, and your brain starts getting false hunger signals that are difficult, if not impossible, to refuse. One of the main causes of digestive problems is candida yeast overgrowth.
Yeast overgrowth is possible in a system that has been overexposed to highly processed foods and GMOs, particularly carbohydrates and sugars. Unfortunately, these are the main ingredients in our standard American diets, and they are deadly to your digestive system and your body as a whole. With candida yeast overgrowth comes an inability for your body to stop craving sugar and carbs, feel satisfied, and break down the stored nutrition and stored toxicity in your visceral fat cells, meaning you keep gaining weight and can’t seem to lose it.
Yeast overgrowth is possible in a system that has been overexposed to highly processed foods and GMOs, particularly carbohydrates and sugars. Unfortunately, these are the main ingredients in our American diets, and they are deadly to your digestive system and your body as a whole. With yeast overgrowth comes an inability for your body to stop craving sugar and carbs, feel satisfied, and break down adipose tissue, meaning you keep gaining weight and can’t seem to lose it.